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Articles on Motherhood
Top 5 Mum Podcasts To Listen To. Parenting podcasts

6  Parenting Podcasts You Should Listen To

Parenting – the most rewarding, challenging, and sleep-deprived job! Why do parenting podcasts matter? That is because it has expert insights from child development specialists to cater for your listening pleasure,  real-life experiences from fellow parents, practical tips and strategies in navigating your parenthood, and…

encourage a child to play outside

Do These 5 Things To Encourage Your Child To Engage In Outdoor Play

In today’s digital age, it’s easy for kids to get caught up in screen time and forget the joys of playing outside. However, outdoor play is not just a pastime, it’s a crucial element for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  Research shows that spending…

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Articles on Education
How To Teach Kids To Share. How To Teach Your Child To Apologise. Curb Lying In Kids. Teach body parts

How To Answer Your Child’s Sensitive Questions About Body Parts

Many parents and caregivers may initially feel uncertain or uncomfortable when discussing sensitive topics like body parts with children. However, it’s crucial to remember that you, as a parent, play a vital role in this aspect of your child’s education. Approaching these conversations with honesty,…

Things to consider before giving your child a smartphone. Kids to use smartphone. Gen Alpha slangs

11 Gen Alpha Slangs You Should Know As Parents

As a parent, keeping up with the latest slang terms, especially those of Gen Alpha, can be a fun and light-hearted task. Born between 2010 and 2025, this generation is growing up in a world where technology and social media reign supreme, and their language…

teach Nigerian languages

How To Teach Your Children Your Nigerian Language

In many Nigerian homes, parents may speak different languages especially in intertribal marriages, which can create a dilemma when deciding which language to teach their children first. This situation can lead to confusion, tension, or even conflict between the paternal and maternal families. However, teaching…

movies for grief in kids

10 Movies To Help Children Understand, Process Grief

Movies can also provide great relief from grief, especially for kids. Grief is a complex and challenging emotion for children to navigate. Losing a loved one, experiencing separation, or facing significant change can be overwhelming for them. As a parent, it is essential to provide…

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