Bullying is a prevalent issue that can have severe consequences for children’s well-being. As parents, it’s essential to recognise the different types of child bullying to address and prevent it effectively.

Here are various forms of child bullying we have seen among children:

# Physical Bullying

This form of child bullying involves physical aggression or harm towards the victim. It can include hitting, kicking, pushing, or any other form of physical violence.

Physical bullying is often easier to recognise due to visible signs of injury or distress in the victim.

#Verbal Bullying

Verbal bullying involves the use of words to intimidate, humiliate, or hurt others.

It can include name-calling, teasing, taunting, or derogatory remarks about a child’s appearance, abilities, or identity.

Verbal bullying can be particularly damaging as it can erode a child’s self-esteem and confidence.

#Social Bullying

Social bullying, also known as relational aggression, involves manipulating social relationships to exclude, isolate, or ostracise the victim.

It can include spreading rumours, gossiping, excluding a child from social activities or groups, or intentionally damaging their reputation.

Social bullying can be subtle but highly damaging to a child’s social and emotional well-being.


With the rise of technology and social media, cyberbullying has become increasingly prevalent among children.

Cyberbullying involves using digital platforms such as social media, messaging apps, or online forums to harass, intimidate, or humiliate others.

It can include sending hurtful messages, spreading rumours online, sharing embarrassing photos or videos, or creating fake profiles to impersonate or mock the victim.

#Sexual Bullying

Sexual bullying involves unwanted or inappropriate sexual behaviour or comments targeted towards the victim. It can include sexual harassment, inappropriate touching, lewd gestures, or making sexually explicit remarks.

Sexual bullying can have severe psychological and emotional effects on the victim and should be addressed immediately.

#Prejudicial Bullying

Prejudicial bullying involves targeting individuals based on their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other personal characteristics.

It can include using derogatory language, making discriminatory remarks, or engaging in acts of hate or intolerance towards marginalised groups.

This form of bullying perpetuates harmful stereotypes and can have long-lasting effects on the victim’s sense of belonging and self-worth.

#Emotional Bullying

Emotional bullying, also known as psychological or mental bullying, involves manipulating emotions to intimidate, control, or hurt others.

It can include gaslighting, manipulation, threats, or coercion to instill fear or anxiety in the victim.

Emotional bullying can be subtle and insidious, but its effects can be profound, leading to long-term emotional trauma and psychological distress.

#Bystander Bullying

Bystander bullying refers to individuals who witness bullying but do not intervene or speak out against it. While not directly involved in bullying behaviour, bystanders play a significant role in perpetuating or preventing bullying.

Bystander bullying can contribute to a culture of silence and normalisation of bullying behaviour, making it difficult to educate children about the importance of being active bystanders and standing up for others.

#Sibling Bullying

Sibling bullying occurs within the family dynamic and involves one sibling exerting power and control over another through physical, verbal, or emotional means.

While sibling rivalry is typical among siblings, sibling bullying involves repetitive and harmful behaviour that can result in long-lasting emotional scars and strained family relationships.

Parents must recognise and address sibling bullying to promote healthy sibling relationships and prevent further harm.

#Authority Figure Bullying

Authority figure bullying occurs when individuals in positions of power, such as teachers, coaches, or caregivers, abuse their authority to intimidate, humiliate, or mistreat children.

This can include unfair treatment, favouritism, verbal abuse, or using punitive measures to exert control over children.

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Authority figure bullying can significantly impact a child’s trust in authority and their sense of safety and well-being in school or other settings.

Knowing these different forms of bullying is important for parents and caregivers to intervene and support their children effectively.

Educating children about the importance of standing up to bullying, seeking help from trusted adults, and supporting their peers who may be experiencing bullying is essential.

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