The amiable Mosope Idowu is a married fabulous mother-of-two. A Chemical Engineer/Project Manager by profession, her passion for fitness led her into founding Bethel Fit Mum in 2015. One year later, she has grown in leaps and bounds. She shares her inspiring story with Fabmumng
What is the inspiration behind Bethel Fit Mum?
During and after my own journey to a healthy and active lifestyle, many mums wanting to know how I did it, and asking for help and advice approached me. I realised that there were so many mums out there who had the desire to change their lifestyles but did not know where and how to do it or couldn’t afford to it. Bethel Fit Mum was born out of my desire to help, educate, support and inspire other mums.
Congratulations on your first anniversary. How will you describe the journey so far any high points yet?
Thank you very much. When I gave birth to BFM last November I had no idea what a life-changing journey I was about to embark on. As BFM has grown, so have I. There have been some high days and some low days. However, I am extremely grateful for all the experiences had, all the lessons learned, and most importantly all the women whose lives I have been able to touch through this platform.
What also inspired the choice of the name?
Bethel is a special name to my family. It is a Hebrew word that means God’s House. We call our home Bethel and I am a fit mum that lives in Bethel, hence Bethel Fit Mum.
How long has it been in existence and what’s the goal?
Bethel Fit Mum was born a year ago (last November). Our programs cater to busy mums with young children who have limited time and feel overwhelmed by the demands of life, but desire to improve their fitness, confidence, energy level and overall health. Bethel Fit Mum aims to empower and equip such women by providing; useful tools, effective strategies, efficient techniques, and individualized coaching that will fit into their lifestyle, and enable them to achieve their goals.
We have quite a number of fitness coaches in Canada, what sets you apart from the pack?
I believe that what sets me apart are my education as a personal trainer and the individualized approach of my programs. I create programs specific to my client’s needs and lifestyle. With BFM you get a personal trainer, nutrition advice and unlimited support all for the price of less than a monthly gym membership!
What services do you offer your clients?
BFM offers;
– Weight Loss Programs
– Prenatal/Postpartum Programs
– Exercise Programs
What is the difference between being fit and staying trim?
I believe that being fit is a full package where you are not just concerned about the numbers on the scale but on your overall health and wellness. It’s not only about “looking good” it’s about feeling good as well. There are so many “trim” women out there that are not healthy and have low energy and low confidence and therefore are unhappy and unable to keep up with the demands of life.
There are so many “trim” women out there that are not healthy and have low energy and low confidence and therefore are unhappy and unable to keep up with the demands of life.
How can mums incorporate exercise and fitness into their daily routine?
The best way to add exercise into your daily routine is to schedule it in. Set aside a chunk of time between 15-30 minutes a day to start and guard that time jealously. If your days are very busy from start to finish, try waking up just 20-30 minutes earlier than you currently do and fit it in then. If you have small children who are at home with you involve them in the routines – they will have fun and you’ll get a great workout!
What ‘easy’ exercises can a ‘lay’ mum engage in?
Walking, Pilates/yoga and body weight exercises (e.g. squats, lunges) are a great place to start.

They say there is a relationship between fitness and a great sex life…
LOL. It’s true! Physical fitness improves your flexibility, energy levels and confidence, which make sex more adventurous, enjoyable and fulfilling for you.
Physical fitness improves your flexibility, energy levels and confidence, which make sex more adventurous, enjoyable and fulfilling for you.
What role does nutrition or foods play in staying healthy?
Nutrition plays a very important role in staying healthy. If you do not eat right you will never achieve your goals no matter how much you exercise.
Most mums mean to exercise but lack the motivation to exercise. How can one overcome this?
Find your WHY! Without a good reason it is difficult to motivate yourself. Find a reason that gets you up in the morning and pushes you through the hard days. My children are my WHY. Being physically active has made me much happier, confident and energetic which has made me a better mum.

Quite a number of mums appear to be towing the fitness route and we now have a lot of fitness mummy bloggers. What do you think could be responsible for the shift?
I believe that this shift is being brought about by a growing awareness in our community about the importance of health and fitness. Women are beginning to realize that there is a need for us to take care of ourselves and to teach our children to do the same.
How do you juggle motherhood and your business?
The secret is time management! I schedule everything – family time, worktime, chores, workouts etc. I wake up 1-2 hours before the rest of my family so that I can have my quiet time, exercise, get some work done and mentally prepare myself for the day ahead before my family wakes up. This way I am able to devote undivided time and energy to my family when I need to. I also endeavor to set boundaries around when and where I work so that my children are not neglected.

Who is a Fabmum?
A Fabmum takes good care of herself – physically, emotionally and spiritually – so that she is able to take care of her family.
What are you most passionate about?
My passions are being a mum to my children, fitness and travelling.
What does style mean to you and how do you love to dress?
Style is a form of expressing who you are and how you feel. When I am not in gym clothes, my style of dressing is comfortable, colourful and chic.
Mosope Idowu can be contacted via email at@bethelfitmum@gmail.com