Separation anxiety is such a big deal especially when your little baby of yesterday starts school for the first time.
Really, you can’t stop your baby from crying during drop offs in the mornings and can hardly concentrate at work afterwards.
No parent wants to see their child upset and crying at school.
We all wish our kids took to school like a champ, but rest assured that your child’s behaviour is normal and doesn’t make him or her any worse than the next child.
First, be rest assured that your child’s behaviour is common. However, below are 7 things you can do to address separation anxiety.
Make your goodbyes quick and loving.
It simply means do not linger any longer when you drop your child off at school. We think that we’re helping our kids by staying a few extra minutes until they “settle in,” or giving in to one more hug before we turn around but the reverse is often the case.
The problem with prolonging your goodbyes is that it sends the message that maybe she shouldn’t be at school. That if you had it your way, she wouldn’t be here at all.
Instead, focus on keeping your goodbyes quick and loving. The more confidently you leave, the more secure she’ll feel. After a while, your child would start to mirror your behavior and feel just as confident about school as you do.
So, keep drop offs short and sweet, and avoid showing the separation anxiety you might be feeling.
You’re helping your child more by leaving with full confidence in the school and in her ability to cope with her emotions.
That said, you might want to flip through these other additional tips that can make school drop offs smoother for both you and your infant:
- Make sure your child is well fed and rested. Nothing makes for a crankier school day than feeling tired and hungry.
- Prepare your child on your way to school. Describe what she can expect at school and have her imagine the day unfold. Remind her that she can ask the teacher anything she needs help with (for instance, she shouldn’t feel bad if she needs help opening her food flask). And talk about the fun she’ll have, especially with activities she can’t do at home. At the same time ensure that your child is also emotionally ready to start preschool.
Other Tips About Remedy For Separation Anxiety
- Talk about how she feels. Remind her that it’s okay to feel sad, but that she’s safe and loved in school. More important, you’ll come back to pick her up (tip: Make an extra effort to be consistentwith the pick time every day, so she never has a doubt that you will).
You may also find our article on Raising Children: 6 Things Mums Should Do Daily Helpful.
- Do something fun after school. Celebrate the first few days by doing something special that she can be excited about. Take her to the movies, treat her to ice cream, or go to the park—anything to keep her mind excited during school.
- Talk to your child’s teachers.
Talk To Your Child’s Teacher
Some kids struggle with separation anxiety much longer than others. If you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, talk to your child’s teachers about her pre-school behavior problems.
Ask them if her behavior is out of the ordinary, how she fares the rest of the day, and the reasons she cries during school. Enlist their help with saying goodbye, or alert them to any fears and extra comforting they should address with your childand ask them for their advice.
They’ve been doing this for years and have seen all sorts of kids come and go.
They can give you tips they’ve seen work with other kids that can work with yours.