how to practice self-care as a mum
How to practice self-care as a mum is one dilemma many mums face.

Sadly, we spend nearly all of our time being Mums; working, cooking, cleaning our homes, and caring for kids.

And we are in a constant dilemma on how to make time for ourselves or to even do other non-mum related stuffs.

Often, we hear and see how other mums pursue hobbies and have fun.

We see photos of their work meetings and outings on our timelines —and it doesn’t seem achievable.

Finding time for self-care as a mum is totally attainable. The tips below will show you how to practice self-care as a mum.

Start A Diary

A diary is a place where you record events, experiences and other personal things that interest you.

It is a proven way to vent your emotions and emotionally stabilise oneself.

Writing down events and thoughts in a diary also helps your mind stay organised.

Find A Hobby You Can Do At Home

Really, being a Mum should not be the end of the world for you or anyone else for that matter.

Consider finding an indoor hobby if you didn’t already have one or rekindling those you enjoy that you can do at home.

Maybe that’s playing a musical instrument, knitting, reading, exercising or scriptwriting.

Be sure to adjust a hobby into something you can do at home, instead of going to the gym like you used to do.

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Do Fun Things After The Kids Are Asleep

The hours after 8:00 p.m. are my ‘me’ hours.

With scriptwriting in bed, you can blog, paint, watch your favourite series and spend time with your husband.

Sit in a coffee shop for impromptu reading or writing.

Other mums use that time to hit the gym or have lunch with friends and colleagues, or even find an arena to take dance classes.

Have A Play Date With Mums With Kids Of The Same Age As Yours

Do you feel bad that you hardly have time for your friends or stepping away from the kids to hang out with friends?

You can practice self-care as a mum by inviting your friends or relatives and their kids for a play date!

There’s less awkwardness or getting-to-know-you awkwardness that sometimes comes up in mommy groups.

How to practice selfcare as a mumIncorporate Your Kids Into Your Life

Rest assured your life doesn’t have to be completely devoid of everything you used to enjoy before becoming a mom. You just need to learn how to marry them with kids.

You can visit your favorite museums with them, but just for an hour or two, or take a canopy walk instead of going skydiving.

Your Home Doesn’t Have To Be Sparkling Clean.

Really, you do not have to walk the lane of a superwoman by trying to keep the home clean each time the children mess it up.

The sooner you accept that your home won’t be as clean as it used to be, the better.

Save yourself the stress, quit obsessing and clean only as much as you comfortably can, and when you can.

Do Fun Things With The Kids

Set up a special routine for fun things you can do with your kids.

You can dedicate the weekends to a family fun time where you can take a road trip, visit family, go to the beach, movies, volunteer, etc.

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Acknowledge that life is different now

To think that life can or should remain the same with kids in the picture is unrealistic.

Life changes with kids.

For most people, becoming parents is the single biggest change you’ll face.

Accept it, work with it, and remember that this is a new role you now have.