pregnancy questions answered

Here are 9 pregnancy questions that women who are yet to give birth or those expecting a baby often ask.


What are the first symptoms of pregnancy?

Missing a period is usually the first signal of a new pregnancy. However, women with irregular periods may not initially recognize a missed period as pregnancy.

During this time, many women experience extreme fatigue, nausea and/or vomiting, a need to urinate frequently, and increased breast sensitivity.  All of these symptoms can be normal. Carrying out a pregnancy test early helps make certain and diffuse guesses and confusion.

Most over-the-counter pregnancy tests are sensitive 9-12 days after conception, and they are readily available at most drug stores, while a serum pregnancy test (performed in a provider’s office or laboratory facility) can detect pregnancy 8-11 days after conception.


Is it normal to have cramps during pregnancy?

In the early stages of pregnancy, uterine cramping can be an indication of the normal changes brought by pregnancy, (initiated by hormonal changes) and in the later stages of pregnancy, it can indicate a growing uterus. However, experiencing severe cramps, or one associated with any vaginal bleeding may be a sign of ectopic pregnancy, threatened abortion, or missed abortion, for which you should consult a Doctor.


Is it normal to express milk from the breast prior to delivery?

Milk secretion from the nipple, known as galactorrhea is the product of the combined effects of prolactin, glucocorticoids, progesterone, and human placental lactogen. Although it usually does not occur until milk let-down soon after delivery, it is not an entirely strange phenomenon in the first trimester.

Early galactorrhea does not mean that you will produce less milk after delivery; there really isn’t anything to worry about. Early milk secretion (colostrum), is watery and pale. Colostrum has more protein and lower fat levels than mature milk. Lactogenesis stages II and III occur postpartum and form more mature milk.

Some women notice secretions beginning before the fifth month of pregnancy. Many women spontaneously leak or express some fluid by the ninth month.


What is the risk of mother-to-infant transmission of coronavirus disease COVID19 during pregnancy?

This is one of the pregnancy questions that the times we are in have forced on expectant mothers.

It is still unconfirmed, whether there is a risk of vertical mother-to-infant transmission of coronavirus disease. But so far, the available data suggests no evidence of intrauterine infection caused by vertical transmission in women who contracted coronavirus in late pregnancy (second and third trimesters). No data is available also, on the likely perinatal outcome when covid19 is acquired in the first and early second trimesters of pregnancy.

Click here for an exclusive on ‘all you need to know regarding pregnancy and covid19’.


Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?

Studies show it is safe to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy in the absence of ruptured membranes, bleeding, or placenta previa. Pregnant women are advised to reduce the occurrence as their pregnancy progresses.

Nevertheless, you should pay more attention to limiting or avoiding sex if you have a history of preterm labor or birth, more than one miscarriage, placenta previa, infection, bleeding, and/or breaking of the amniotic sac or leaking amniotic fluid.

Also, as part of natural sexuality, you and your significant other may need to try different positions as the stomach grows, to maybe feature a less deep vaginal penetration. Styles with the male facing the woman’s back, encourage this, and such styles are said to be more comfortable in pregnancy.


How can I prevent stretch marks in pregnancy?

This is one of the pregnancy questions that often pop up in ladies minds when they see stretch marks in the tummy of another woman that had given birth.

Stretch marks typically occur when weight is lost or gained quickly.

The not-so-good news is that, stretch marks cannot be prevented. This is because the degree to which a woman experiences stretch marks is a thing of genetics, which is why using scrubs and creams rarely makes a difference.

On the bright side, stretch marks fade with time to become silvery-white, but they do not tan.


What kind of exercise is safe to engage in during pregnancy?

This is one of the very relevant pregnancy questions that most mothers-to-be should seek answers to.

Regular physical activity during pregnancy is said to improve physical and mental fitness, assist with weight management, decrease gestational diabetes in obese women, and promote general well-being.

A workout program that features working up to moderate-intensity, for at least 20-30 minutes daily on most days of the week, is safe to practice during pregnancy. This could be brisk walking, swimming, some yoga, Pilates, dancing, or any other ‘safe’ fitness activity.


Heartburn and indigestion

If you experience feeling faint or dizzy spells during pregnancy, please contact your doctor or midwife.

Heartburn and indigestion are two common synonymous in pregnancy.

You may also find our article on Best sex positions for pregnancy helpful.

The effect of your womb pressing on your stomach can sometimes leave you bloated, burpy, sick, or with a rusty heart burning sensation. Here are some things you can do that may help relieve your symptoms:

  •   sit up straight when you’re eating to take the pressure off your stomach
  •   try eating smaller meals more frequently
  •   Try to avoid spicy foods, beans, and chocolates, especially in the evenings


  •   Eat about 2-3 hours before bedtime
  •   try downing a glass of milk when you get heartburn
  •   speak to your midwife or health care provider.

Reach out to your midwife or physician if your heartburn is severe and the above treatments don’t help.


How can I prevent swollen ankles, hands, and feet in pregnancy?

The body holds more water in pregnancy, which oftentimes, moves towards the lowest parts of your body. This makes the ankles, hands, and feet swell. it might help to:

  •   Avoid standing for long periods of time
  •   Do some stretches: Point your toes down and release upwards, 30 times. Then circle your ankles – both feet, eight times.
  •   take alternate positions; have your feet up so they’re higher than your heart for about an hour each day.

If you experience a case of severe swelling or comes on suddenly, or particularly in your face as well as hands and feet, and comes with a headache or visual defects, you may have a health condition known as pre-eclampsia, for which you should call your midwife or doctor immediately.

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