Planning and structure will save you:
Your kids need to have a predictable daily structure as it can be a very great coping mechanism for you. It will encourage peace and order in your home expect each day.
As much as possible try to make meals at the same time daily and engage the kids if they are old enough to handle utensils. Also, plan some educational activities at the same time every day but be sure to observe some break and playtime in between. But remember to only work with what suits your needs; you are the captain of your ship.
Don’t be too hard on yourself or your children
Some households have been affected greatly by the pandemic more than some. Some parents who own small businesses have lost money because of the Coronavirus lockdown. Tending to the needs of your family amidst all these can seem difficult, but remember to be kind to your children and also be kind to yourself. It’s not going to turn out all perfect even with a planned schedule but having an understanding of this and taking out time to breathe is key.
Control the ‘air’ in your home
Still talking about self-care tips for mums, limit your household’s exposure to corona virus related news to help bring the much-needed control to children’s exposure to fake panic news and anxiety-ridden social media content
I know, you were not hoping to be reminded so soon that every detail about you, even down to your self-care during coronavirus is somehow tied to you still being a mum, still ‘running your home’. I’m sorry, it’s motherhood. Welcome aboard.
To ensure you have quality time for self-care, even now, you need to consider setting up a time to break out from engagements with social media and news.
Replace these with family bonding activities is a great way to prevent panic and enable more face-to-face and personal interactions between parents and children.
This translates to taking care of you, physically and mentally.
. This is how to practice self-care as a mum
Hold on to your peace:
At times like this, unnerving and trigger negative emotions may disrupt your peace of mind and your ability to hold things together. When these moments arise, take a step back and engage in essential self-care routines, this is great to support physical and mental health.
Engage in self-care activities which include long-forgotten home-based hobbies. If you do, you will be improving your ability to take care of others and minimize your vulnerability to illness, anxiety, panic, and irritability all of which prevents you from being a good parent and enables you to project negativity on your kids.
Engage in activities at hours between the day that promotes your peace of mind. Most preferably, in the early hours of the morning and at night. These few quiet moments ensure that no matter the chaos the kids may cause, you have some level of tranquility to handle it calmly.
This is how to relieve stress this period
Ask for help- a lot:
As the days go by, it may seem harder to hold on from being anxious or have your heart laden with panic. It’s normal to feel this way, as much as possible, speak to your loved ones, this can help to improve your mental health and create a feeling of calmness.
Taking care of your mental health is a vital part of ensuring that you and your family navigate through this time successfully. And should you be feeling overwhelmed, there are government recognized agencies with experts you can call for tips to improve your mental health.
Books, Movies, Games
Whatever helps you relax is fine as long as you feel it is the best self-care tip for you as a mum .This is a holiday of some sort. Once normalcy returns, the cat-race is on again which is all the more a valid reason you should take your self-care during this COVID-19 lockdown seriously. So, the spare time you have, you can dedicate it to reading pages of your favourite book every now and then, seeing a movie, working out, playing games solo or with your kids; whatever helps you let off steam, do it. Do it a lot it a whole lot until coronavirus is behind us.