Coronavirus lockdown has forced us all to explore our inner creativity. If you agree with the author Émile Zola, who once said “I would rather die of passion than of boredom,” you’ve come to the right place. Here are 10 fun things mums can do at home until the coronavirus lockdown becomes a thing of the past:

Order ingredients if you can, or use the ones at your disposal in this time to make something that’s outside of your regular quick-dinner rotation.
You’re stuck at home, so you have all the time you need. You might not have all the ingredients you need, but don’t let that stop you. See what you can put together to realize something mouth-watering. Here are a few mouth-watering recipes you can try this period.
This might also be a good time to teach your kids how to cook, or depending on their ages, they could serve as mummy’s aids in the kitchen. Asides emerging with a delish dish, your other very important aim is to have fun all the way. So, do that!

Whether it’s a traditional jigsaw, a Sudoku sheet, candy crush or races, puzzles and games and are a great way to pass time while keeping your brain smart during this Coronavirus lockdown period.
If you’ve gotten too used to the ones you play, you can ask members of your household, friends or neighbours for their suggestions for the most intriguing and entertaining games. Puzzles and games are also a great family-time activity. Be sure to find the most inclusive ones if this is your goal.
Start or perfect a hobby
Is there a curious route you’ve been meaning to explore but for time, or a professional camera lying around befriending dust? No thanks to Coronavirus, you are home with lots of time on your hands, so, now I think, is the time to either pick up that on the shore of being forgotten hobby or altogether start a new one.
Don’t forget, there’s a platform with demos to about anything you want to learn how to do. They call it YouTube. So, get to searching and don’t let this time go to waste. While you are at it, don’t forget to find time for self-care as a mum
Take an online class
Universities and colleges, and various educational platforms around the world have online classes you could start this very minute. Some for free, others, paid. If you are a curious mind, boosting your knowledge and curriculum vitae will definitely appeal to you.
Be it learning a new language (for which I totally think you should give Duolingo a try), photography, graphics design, social media management, copywriting, coding, there might never be a time like this one ever again. Not next week, not tomorrow, start right away.
Start a garden
For a lot of people, one of the most effective ways to practice self-care and abolish boredom is to take care of something other than themselves. That being said, this Coronavirus lockdown period might be the perfect opportunity to start growing your own vegetables/flowers; to start your own little garden. Becoming a plant mom is a great way to cut down on essential groceries and have fun in this coronavirus period. Remember, the rainy season is almost here and no one knows for sure how long the covid19 pandemic will last.
Now is not the time to be antisocial and let your introverted side wake up. Our mental health still needs to be social with others; in fact, a scoop more than usual. You just have to do it virtually.
Drawing inspiration from the fact that there might never be a time as this, get a group chat running. Pour yourself a glass of orange juice and hop on a voice call with your colleagues or besties. Hit up and old friend or some cousin you’ve not spoken to in years. You can borrow my mantra: “in this Coronavirus will not kill my vibes. I am going to have fun through it all.”
As the days may continue running into weeks, it is important not to let coronavirus ruin all of the fun.
Revisit Your Childhood Passions
Dancing, drawing and mimicking cartoon characters. Chances are what made you happy as a teenager would still work now. Did you love to sing, paint, or play the ukulele as a child? Coronavirus lockdown has forced you indoors and you’re on a mission to make it fun. Go back in time to revisit them all.
Start Reading a Book
“I like reading. I would read if I had more time.” Well, it doesn’t get better than this. No schooling, no churching, no traveling to the office.
All those books you’ve been meaning to read can finally get the attention they deserve. Reading is a fabulous way to productively pass time and have fun during this coronavirus pandemic. Got any printed copies collecting dust somewhere, No? you can try the AnyBooks app for access to tons of really cool books, all for free.
Before Bedtime, something Funny or nothing.
If your true aim is to have proper fun during this corona lockdown period, you might consider paying attention to what pops up on your timeline or whatever you read or watch before bed.
You might want to suspend screen time for a few hours before bedtime or if you must, ensure it is something light and humourous you feed your brain.
The last thing you want to do is render your system anxious and by feeding on sad or traumatic news before you sleep.
Invest in Arts & Craft
A great way to have fun alone or with your family during this coronavirus pandemic is to invest your time in arts and crafts.
Be it knitting, drawing on a canvas, assembling items to form an aesthetic masterpiece, resurrecting a piece of old furniture, the good thing is that you can always binge on those 5-mins crafts or DIY channels for more inspiration.