Stunning Chinwe Obinwanne runs www.naijafitmoms.com which is aimed at building a nation of fit and healthy mommas. Fabmumng chatted with the brilliant mother-of-three recently and she shed more light on her brand, benefits of exercise and her passion for fitness
Kindly tell us more about yourself?
What inspired you to float Naijafitmoms?
I noticed that fitness is not a lifestyle for us here in Nigeria. I also noticed that we tend to relax into the picture that has been painted of what a mother should look like. It’s not as though we love it, but we just plain accept it. Mothers are somewhat expected to be chubby after having babies and to live for everyone else but themselves.
Hence, this mindset is passed from one generation to the next. But this our generation has begun to produce a crop of trendy moms who along with loving and taking care of others also want to look and feel good. I started Naijafitmoms to encourage and motivate Nigerian mothers all over the world to love themselves and take care of their health. Looking drop dead gorgeous is an added advantage too.
A mother functions best when she is at her best. Naijafitmoms shares ways to get Nigerian moms to the best of health and fitness by offering training/coaching, tips, recipes, workouts and challenges that change the body and force it adapt to a desired and better lifestyle.
What also inspired the choice of the name?
Hmmm…. The name Naijafitmoms was inspired by the dream of Nigerian moms living a fit and healthy lifestyle. Like my tagline for Naijafitmoms reads “Building a nation of fit and healthy mommas.”

How long has it been in existence and what’s the goal?
Naijafitmoms has been in existence since January 2016. Our goal is to build a nation of fit, healthy and confident mothers or mothers-to-be who look good, feel good about themselves and serve as inspiration for other women and mothers and ultimately our kids. Naijafitmoms wants to reshape the mindset of how a Nigerian mother should be seen physically and otherwise thereby raising future generations of fit and healthy moms.
We have quite a number of fitness coaches in Nigeria so what sets you apart from the pack?
In truth, I don’t see anyone of the great fitness coaches in Nigeria as competition. I believe my dream is different from theirs. I am a mom and I understand the self-esteem issues many moms and moms-to-be have as a result of their bodies and health especially after the birth of their kids.
I had some of those insecurities too. I sought a solution and found it. So I’m basically on a mission to help my fellow moms and indeed women in getting their bodies and health in tip top shape using methods that have worked and are still working for me.
I want to build a fitness movement with my fellow women and this is bigger than just me. It’s got to be a combined effort from the many strong women I know Nigeria has.
I don’t see anyone of the great fitness coaches in Nigeria as competition. I believe my dream is different from theirs.
What services do you offer your clients?
I offer customized online fitness training/coaching and meal plans for weight loss or any fitness goals, personal one-on-one fitness training along with tips and guidance to a healthier lifestyle.
What is the difference between being fit and staying slim?
For me, being fit doesn’t necessarily mean being slim. Being fit is when a person is in good health, mostly as a result of healthy food choices made and regular physical exercise. So, there are people who are slim but are not fit; just as there are people who are fit but are not slim.
there are people who are slim but are not fit; just as there are people who are fit but are not slim.
How can mums in corporate world infuse exercise and fitness into their daily routine?
I think it first comes to a desire to actually live a healthy and fit lifestyle. When that desire is present, then the how-to is a cake walk. In just 30 minutes, a working mom can get her daily dose of physical activity in.
There are bodyweight, strength, cardio and core exercises that don’t require a gym to perform. Armed with just a pair of light to moderate weighted dumbbells, a mat and determination, a working mom can get a quick routine in before stepping out in the morning or in the evening before retiring to bed.
In the event Lagos traffic or something like that holds that mom in, there are a few quick exercises she can throw in while at work. Maybe during a bathroom break or even in the office. For instance, if your office isn’t far from where you get lunch, walk. If you work in a place where there are stairs and an elevator, opt for the stairs. When you can, stand instead of sitting because standing burns calories as opposed to sitting. These are just a few tips for corporate moms who desire to add fitness into their routines.
What ‘easy’ exercises can a ‘lay’ mum engage in?
First, no exercise is ‘easy’ per se. It all depends on the number of repetitions and sets done. Moms who are beginners in fitness need to know that you cannot spot-reduce (that is, exercise a certain part of your body alone to reduce the fat there). You need to do overall body exercise.
That said, beginners can start with a mix of cardio exercises like jump ropes, butt kicks, running in place, jumping jacks, shadow boxing e.t.c; throw in some strength moves such as squats, lunges ( forward, lateral, backward), press ups, deadlifts to mention a few. Then add some core/abdominal moves like planks, scissor kicks, bicycles and variations of crunches.
10-12 repetitions of each move thrice all together will get some good calories off of a beginner’s body. I also emphasize that weight loss and toning up is a combination of the kind of food eaten and the consistency of exercises performed. You can’t go and eat junk the whole week and expect to do these exercises and see great results. It doesn’t work that way.
First, no exercise is ‘easy’ per se. It all depends on the number of repetitions and sets done. Moms who are beginners in fitness need to know that you cannot spot-reduce (that is, exercise a certain part of your body alone to reduce the fat there). You need to do overall body exercise.
They say there is a relationship between fitness and a great sex life…
Yes I believe that to be true. First, exercises increase energy, reduce stress, aids in weight loss, improves performance and enhances the curves in a woman.
These gains which result in the boost to the self-confidence of a woman by virtue of a reduced waist line, firmer thighs, shapely butts and overall body toning makes a woman feel sexy. The feeling of sexiness leads to inclinations towards intimacy with your better half.
Also, since you’ve a surge of energy and stress reduction from regular physical exercise, it goes without saying that the thought of intimacy and sex with your spouse wouldn’t seem like a punishment to you as some see it to be.
The same goes for a man who exercises regularly too. While a woman loves to look great and sexy; it will be icing on the cake to have a spouse who complements her in this fit and healthy lifestyle too. The chemistry behind closed doors is left imagined between such couple.
Also, since you’ve a surge of energy and stress reduction from regular physical exercise, it goes without saying that the thought of intimacy and sex with your spouse wouldn’t seem like a punishment to you as some see it to be.
The same goes for a man who exercises regularly too. While a woman loves to look great and sexy; it will be icing on the cake to have a spouse who complements her in this fit and healthy lifestyle too. The chemistry behind closed doors is left imagined between such couple.
What role does nutrition or food play in staying healthy?
Nutrition plays a vital role in staying healthy. The kind of food, quantity and timing of eating the food all contribute to the overall health and fitness of a person. Bad food choices, even when not physically evident; eat away at a person’s health more than we can imagine.
We are surrounded by so much junk that we munch as the hunger pangs pinch. These bad choices we make may be tasty and sweet; but can cause a truckload of harm to the body. That is one of the reasons we hear of someone suddenly slumping and dying without any sign of sickness. The lack of exercises and poor food choices sometimes result in illnesses and diseases or even deaths that could have been avoided.
The lack of exercises and poor food choices sometimes result in illnesses and diseases or even deaths that could have been avoided.
Most mums mean to exercise but lack the motivation to exercise. How can one overcome this?
Your best motivation is YOU. You are doing it for yourself and not anyone else. When you are healthy, you’re at your best to take care of your kids and run your family efficiently. When you exercise, you eliminate the fear of joint pains and arthritis as you get older. When you eat healthy meals and exercise, you look great; and which woman doesn’t want to look great? Lastly, when your health and fitness is on point, you are strong enough to face any challenges that require physical effort.
Let the thought of doing it for YOU be the greatest motivation. And of course, Naijafitmoms along with motivation from fellow moms should help you know that we moms are in it together.
Remember; don’t do it for your spouse or anyone else but for yourself.
How do you juggle motherhood and your business?
From my perspective, a FabMum is a mother who against all odds does what is best for her children and family. She prioritizes perfectly and soars in every aspect of her life despite challenges that come at her. She is both vulnerable and strong. Both soft and firm. She is a body of work designed by God himself with all the strength and frailties that make her an almost super human being and a guardian to the fruits of her womb.
What would you do with your last N1000?
Hmmm….. Maybe buy myself a sports bra..lol
You can contact Chinwe Obinwanne on info@naijafitmoms.com
www.facebook.com/naijafitmoms and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/naijafitmoms/