The holidays are here, and while kids are thrilled to be on a break, many parents can’t help but feel a mix of emotions. On the one hand, they’re happy to spend quality time with their children, but on the other hand, they can’t help but pray for the holidays to end quickly so their kids can return to school!

Let’s face it, maintaining kids during the holidays can be stressful – from constant demands for attention and entertainment to the endless questions of “Mum, I’m bored!” and “Dad, can I have a snack?”

To make the most of this break and reduce stress, a simple and engaging holiday routine can be a lifesaver.

This holiday routine keeps your kids entertained and ensures they continue learning and growing.

Here’s a fun and easy-to-follow routine we’ve compiled for your kids 😊: 

Morning Routine (8:00 am – 9:00 am)

Start the day with morning prayers or devotions and a nutritious breakfast with your kids.

Encourage outdoor playtime, like football, basketball, or a short walk, to pump those endorphins.

Learning Time (9:00 am – 12:00 pm)

Dedicate a few hours to some of these learning activities:

Reading: Encourage your kids to read books, comics, or newspapers.

Creative writing or drawing: Foster their creativity and self-expression on paper or any surface.

Basic math exercises or puzzles: Keep their minds sharp and active with maths or brain-tasking games.

New skills or hobbies: Introduce them to cooking, knitting, or a musical instrument.

Lunch Break (12:00 pm – 1:00 pm)

Serve a healthy lunch, followed by rest time. Encourage relaxation or a short nap to recharge.

Afternoon Routine (1:00 pm – 4:00 pm)

More fun activities await😊

– Outdoor games: Organize hide, seek, tag, or board games.

– Local excursions: sometimes visit museums, zoos, or parks (if possible).

– Swimming or water play: Beat the heat with a fun water activity (if accessible).

– Encourage kids to try new things and have fun!

Evening Routine (4:00 pm – 7:00 pm)

Wind down in the evening with:

– Snack time

– Family bonding: Play indoor games, watch a movie together, or have a family discussion.

– Prepare for the next day: Lay out clothes, pack snacks, and plan.

Bedtime Routine (7:00 pm – 9:00 pm)

End the day with:

– Dinner

– Evening prayers or devotion

– Read, tell stories, or listen to soothing music

– Bedtime: Ensure kids get enough sleep for a refreshed start.

This simple routine will give your kids a memorable and engaging summer holiday in Nigeria.

Morning Routine (8:00 am – 9:00 am)

  1. Breakfast
  2. Morning prayers/devotion
  3. Outdoor playtime (e.g., football, basketball, or a short walk)

Learning Time (9:00 am – 12:00 pm)

  1. Reading time (encourage reading books, comics, or newspapers)
  2. Creative writing or drawing
  3. Basic math exercises or puzzles
  4. Learn a new skill or hobby (e.g., cooking, knitting, or a musical instrument)

Lunch Break (12:00 pm – 1:00 pm)

  1. Healthy lunch
  2. Rest time (relaxation or a short nap)

Afternoon Routine (1:00 pm – 4:00 pm)

  1. Outdoor games (e.g., hide and seek, tag, or board games)
  2. Visit a local museum, zoo, or park (if possible)
  3. Swimming or water play (if accessible)

Also Read: 6 1/2 Ways To Keep Kids Learning During School Holidays

Evening Routine (4:00 pm – 7:00 pm)

  1. Snack time
  2. Family bonding (e.g., playing indoor games, watching a movie together, or having a family discussion)
  3. Prepare for the next day (e.g., lay out clothes, pack snacks)

Bedtime Holiday Routine (7:00 pm – 9:00 pm)

  1. Dinner
  2. Evening prayers/devotion
  3. Relaxation time (e.g., reading, storytelling, or listening to soothing music)
  4. Bedtime (ensure kids get enough sleep)

Once again, happy summer holiday, parents and kids! Remember, this routine is just a guide. Adjust it to suit your family’s unique needs and preferences. You’re in control! 

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