It doesn’t matter if your child is in kindergarten or a senior in high school, a lesson teacher can provide additional support that a parent or teacher might not be able to give.

Here are three signs to look out for to help know whether your child needs a tutor or not.

1.     Your Child Is Acing Homework But Failing Tests

A frustrating situation for many kids is getting good grades in their, assignments or in-class participation, but then failing a test.

Test preparation is a skill and not every child is able to process what needs to be done before a test in the same way.

If your child is excelling in everything but that final test, it might be time to consider employing the services of a lesson teacher.

Honestly, there is no point waiting till they are near repeating the class.

A lesson teacher has the unique ability to hone in on one or two skills that can change the course of a child’s education.

Once given the skills to approach studying, and after a test, your child can apply those skills to multiple subjects. This will improve the child’s grades across the board.

No doubt, not every child needs a lesson teacher to succeed in school. But for some students, it might be a game-changer they need to do better in school.

Even if the tutoring isn’t permanent, a few sessions with a tutor for some time can help provide tools they may not have had otherwise, giving them the ability to problem solve for the future.

2.     Your Child Has Questions About Their Homework That You Don’t Know How To Answer

As teaching methods evolve over the years, you might find that you’re just not equipped to answer your child’s questions when they’re working on their homework.

For example, your child’s teacher may insist that she ‘show her work,’ aka breakdown of how she arrived at her solution for a math problem.

If you used a method that your child was not taught in school, you might feel just as lost as your child when you try to offer help.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for extra (professional) hand in this instance.

3.     Your Child Constantly Feels Stuck In A Particular Subject

Everyone has different strengths and different learning paces.

For example, a child might excel in literature but feel confused by concepts in science class.

Yours could be the one that mixes updates for his history exams. Also, it cold be that your child is constantly struggling with writing assignments.

Consistent struggles on particular subjects are a strong indicator that your child could benefit from extra help and may need a tutor.

4.     Decreasing Parental Supervision

When parents take on additional commitments outside of the family, it is almost impossible to maintain the same homework help they provide their child/ren.

If this is you, don’t feel bad. You’re not alone in this.

Have You Read: How To Partner With Your Child’s Teacher For Success

Besides, as a child ages and workload increases, the child requires blocks of study time too large to fit into a family schedule.

And often, the concepts covered in school or formula may be strange to you.

It is not always possible for a parent to manage a child’s homework, and this is where a professional tutor comes in.

If not anything, they can help ease scheduling conflicts within a household.

5.     Your Child’s Confidence Is Waning

It is natural to be uncertain when learning a new concept, but it is not constructive when a child is told they aren’t intelligent enough to do well in school.

For example, if your child feels blue and says they can’t keep up, their impulse may be to run and hide rather than ask for help.

Knowledge breeds confidence.

When you notice your child is getting stuck on specific skills over time, or if you just feel your child would feel great about being a little more confident, they could benefit from a tutor.

When this intervention is successful, your kid will become self-assured and have new found confidence, leading to more participation in academic activities.

6.     Have You Noticed A Change In Your Child’s Attitude Toward School?

If your child used to be excited to learn more in school, but now he says he hates it or doesn’t want to go, he may be struggling with his schoolwork.

Extra help might be all he needs to feel confident and excited about learning again.

Private coaching will create personalised lesson plans for your child that address their specific learning needs, and often that one-on-one attention can make a world of difference.

Get that superstar a tutor.

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