dad caring for a baby

Splitting parenting roles and household chores are essential things parents must learn to do. Not only does it help you build a harmonious home, it helps raise amazing children.Couples, whether young or old, need to embrace complimenting each other’s roles in a home

As a mother, doing the household chores and parenting roles is exhausting. This is not something you should sign up for.

Do not take on all the tasks in a home. Learn to share some responsibilities with your partner.

When two parents divide the responsibilities in a home, it brings relief to them and enhances the productivity and longevity of both partners.

This also reflects on the relationship of both parents with the children.

Important Things To Know

As a mother, there are many ways to involve your husband or partner in parenting or chores.

Before we delve into that, there are some important things you need to know first.

First, you must spend time with your partner to discuss the issue of chores and responsibilities at home.

If you have a paid helper or paid caregiver at home, this is fantastic! However, this is not all it takes when we talk of parenting chores and responsibilities.

You may need to have an in-depth discussion with your partner on this subject matter.

This is because not all partners go down well with splitting household chores, and responsibilities until you help them see reasons to.

Hence, you should start to figure out what to do to bring your partner on the same page as you. 


  1. Create a list of your parenting chores and responsibilities

This might look weird to many but it is essential. You hear some women talk about the fact that parenting responsibilities are inexhaustible and you might not be able to create a good list. While this may be true, making an effort in creating a list of your responsibilities is a key way to involve your partner.

Compile a list of all basic parenting chores, from childcare to home care. Involving your partner when making the list goes a long way in making your partner accountable. Once the list has been created, ask each other questions about the items of the list, what needs to be added or removed from the list.

  1. Understand each partner’s strength and weakness

Once you have a list of your parenting responsibilities, the next thing to do is to map out your areas of strength and weakness. Know the tasks your husband enjoy doing and what he dislikes, this will help you in creating a workable plan on the execution of the chores. This is also important as it helps eliminate fracas in parenting.

  1. Create a schedule

There is so much to parenting chores that what the eyes can meet. Whether either of you is on a paid job or you have businesses of your own, you must make a schedule on how the chores will be carried out. Plan your time together!

Don’t stop at making a schedule, ensure each of you follow the schedule.

  1. Set goals and work towards them

It is important that as parents you set goals towards parenting, discuss how to achieve those goals and work together in achieving them. This includes parenting responsibilities.

  1. Communicate often and make adjustments when needed

While involving your partner in parenting chores, you must communicate about parenting often. Discuss the challenges each of you are facing as regards the chores and what each partner can do to relieve the burden.

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Other important things that can help you involve your partner in parenting chores is shedding traditional perceptions that restrict parenting chores to the mother only.

Also, don’t expect your partner to be perfect, pamper him when he has done a great job, correct him without yelling and be determined in making parenting easy for your partner.

We would love to hear from you. How do you involve your partner in parenting and household chores? Please send us an email ( or drop a comment below.