Interested in learning how not to be overly dependent on your domestic staff/nanny? Here’s all you need to know:
1. Set Expectations From The Beginning
Usually, when experts advise employees insist on spelling out expectations from the beginning, it is for the purpose of keeping the employee in check.
Well, now, the tables have turned.
Set expectations from the beginning so that you do not find yourself moving from depending on your nanny for the 7 things the contract said she’d do to 20 random things.
You may even want to seek nannies who have more years of experience, and the courage to plainly tell you that their scope of work does not cover what you’re asking them to do.
Also, learn to communicate expressively.
You see, nannies and house helps are not mind readers, so you need to state clearly what you expect them to do, and the things you do not want them doing.
2. Restrain From Consulting Your Domestic Staff About Everything
If you have to ask for a lot personal information about your children, like what they would want for their birthday, if you should get them a chocolate or vanilla cake, who their friends are, what they like to eat, where the car keys are, etc. you may be a bit too dependent on the nanny.
In fact, these are questions a nanny should be asking you, not the other way around.
Sometimes, even if you’re uncertain about an information and the shortcut is to consult your nanny, restrain from that and make an effort to find the information for yourself, even if this means spending more time getting to it.
3. Raise Your Kids To Be Independent
It is not in your best interest if your teenager will be worried about starving if you or the nanny isn’t home or your school-aged child still expects someone to clear their plate from the table, or put their clothes in the laundry basket after they dump them on the floor.
This is a clear case of them being too reliant on the care their nanny provides, and not learning to be independent and responsible.
Rather than letting this happen (for the sake of the nanny and your kids), you should be taking this time to educate them on managing their responsibilities on their own.
Fix them up on age-appropriate chores for them. After all, we all want our kids to grow up to be self-sufficient and thoughtful, right?
4. Be Around, Be Involved
When was the last time you did a chore or let yourself be inconvenienced by the presence of your kids without handing them off to the nanny?
Let’s face it, grocery shopping is faster without a kid in the way.
Yes, it’s much more convenient to leave the kids behind and head out solo.
However, it might be too much dependence to ditch the kids for efficiency reasons every single time you need to be out and about.
The reality is, you have kids and life doesn’t run as smoothly as when you were childless — but that is what you signed up for, remember?
You, and not a nanny or domestic staff are going to have to raise them.
When was the last time you played with your child, shared/fed them a meal, or been home for tuck-ins in a long time.
If all your information about your kids has to come from updates from the nanny instead of from actually making time to create a parent-child memory, that might be a cause for concern and a glaring sign of dependency.
5. Do The Things You Can Do
Be intentional about not becoming too reliant on your domestic staff/nanny. If there are things you can do for yourself –of course, there are things you can do by yourself—do them.
Remember, you have hired a professional nanny/domestic staff; they deserve to be treated like one.
Saying their names 70 times in one day, do this, do that, cook this, wash that.
Try not to push over all your duties, even the one your spouse and kids can do to them.
For instance, you can pack your lunch, carry your small bag yourself, pick up the remote, serve your spouse his food, tuck your kids in to sleep etc.
Nannies and domestic staff are there as assistants not the controllers on the affair in your home.
They are not there to take over the running of your home.
Also Read: How To Make Your Nanny More Productive
Also, do not argue, constantly nag, or incessantly send your nanny on errands in front of the children.
Else, you put them at the risk of picking up on your behaviour and thinking that is the appropriate way to treat their caregiver.
6. Boost Their Morale From Time To Time
Humans live to feel recognised, seen, and appreciated.
From time to time, it will help to give your domestic staff a little something, to keep them happy.
You see, unexpected rewards can boost the morale of just about any worker.
It could be things like foodstuff, airtime, money, clothes, a birthday treat, jewelry, and other nice things you feel they would appreciate.
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