• Applying For Visa

  • Cost Of Birthing In The USA

  • How To Get An American Passport For Your Baby

It is every parent’s dream to give their child the best in life and birthing your child in the United States of America is one of the best things in life due to the fact that USA has one of the best maternal cares in the world, their doctors are one of the best in the world.

According to the 14th amendment of the USA constitution, if a person was born on the American soil, he or she can be granted an American citizenship. Free Entry and Exit in the USA Having your baby in the USA makes him/her a citizen, which will grant them free access to the country. No visa will be needed when your child is born on the American soil. Your baby can actually have your home country and the USA citizenship.

The USA citizenship grants your kids almost unlimited possibilities, like travelling to most countries of the world without a visa. He or she can stay in countries like Belgium, Italy, Australia, France, Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. There are other benefits attached with birthing a child in the USA.

We have highlighted the necessary procedures in making this possible

  1. Getting your visa: If you already have a B visa, you are advised to write a Notification/Change of Intent email to the embassy (If you declared your intent to give birth in USA during the visa interview then you don’t need to send a letter to the embassy) but if you have withheld this info during the visa interview then letter of intent is not a shortcut.

Use these addresses

LagosNIV@state.gov and /or


This correspondence and the reply is carried by the traveler to the point of entry (POE)

If you do not have a visa, apply for a B1/B2 Medical visa. Go with evidence to show that you have a hospital, doctor and funds to cover accommodation, medical treatment and any other incidences.

  1. Choice of Hospital: The decision on a choice of hospital is dependent on several factors. Cost of treatment I.e. hospital, doctor’s fees, epidural, NICU etc. with cost of accommodation and Flight to your final destination.
  2. At the POE, you are expected to go with your burden of proof and be well prepared to answer questions to avoid deportation. Note: It is not a crime to birth in the US. It is a crime however if you conceal this fact from your visa officer (VO) or Customs and Border Protection (CBP). This act is considered misrepresentation and can result in deportation and cancellation of visa and sometimes a ban.
  3. After birthing. Kindly pay ALL your bills and ALL your baby/ies’ bills. Do not accept Medicaid. Although your Child acquires automatic citizenship, it is presumed you were not allowed on the shores of America to add to their financial/Tax burdens.
  4. After birthing, you follow the steps for getting a US passport, Nigerian passport/Visa /Travel documents for your child. If your child’s travel document is his international passport, you require a dual way ticket.


  1. Cost – $270 plus $20 for post office or $30 for FedEx
  2. Send the following supporting documents:
    • 2 passport photos of baby.
    • Copy of parent’s Nig. passports (data page)
    • Birth certificate (copy)
    • Itinerary and Letter of consent for ETC.

And address it to:

The Consular Officer, Embassy of Nigeria,

Washington DC 20008.


A lot depends on your health condition and recommendations from your doctor but it’s always better to know the entire price-list and be ready for everything.

Vaginal Birth (Birth Center, not Hospital) cost about $3,000

Vaginal Birth (Hospital, no complications) cost about $10,000

Vaginal Birth (Hospital, with complications) cost about $13,000

Caesarian Section (Hospital, no complications) cost about $15,000

Caesarian Section (Hospital, with complications) cost about $23,000

NOTE: these numbers are for Singleton births, for delivery of multiples (twins, triplets, etc.), you can expect to pay more than this.