If you’re itching to speed things up, induce labour, so you can hold your baby in your arms rather than in your belly, welcome.
As long as your body and baby are willing to cooperate, there are proven ways to turn this wish into reality.
First, run this by your Doctor and once they confirm it’s okay, you’re welcome to try one or more from these 8 natural ways to induce labour.
1. Sex
A number of research results (and myths of course,) abound of late babies making the grand entrance soon after a love-making session.
Sperm contains cervix-softening fats called prostaglandins (also used in medical induction).
It is believed that prostaglandins can help thin and dilate the cervix, ripening it for delivery.
Another study has it that a woman’s orgasm can lead to strong uterine contractions. This also could speed up the arrival of your little one.
Whether all of this is true or sheer-fallacies, you may want to give sex a try.
Apart from being a natural way to induce labour, it can help relieve some tension.
Interestingly, sex is also a healthy way to strengthen your bond with the significant other, right before you become too sore or too occupied taking care of the new member of your nuclear family.
2. Walking

The simple act of taking short early morning or evening walks during pregnancy some say, may help haul the baby down into your pelvis.
The science behind this is that the pressure from the gravity of swaying your hips pulling the baby into the pelvis can prime your cervix for labour or simply help for a less dreadful labour experience on delivery day.
Just don’t walk too much and tire yourself out especially if you’re already around the hours of your due date.
You’ll need all the energy you can get to push out that baby of yours!
3. Nipple Stimulation
Also, it is believed that prolonged breast stimulation causes the pituitary gland to release contraction-inducing oxytocin. This is the same hormone that causes the breasts to eject milk.
In its synthetic form —Pitocin is the most common drug used to induce labour,.
Significantly, studies show that stimulating it naturally can be effective as well.
Consecutively, if you choose to breastfeed your baby right after delivery, this same stimulation is what will aid your uterus shrink back to its original size.
On the other hand, you have to take precautions and ensure that you are not overstimulating the uterus and making the contractions too strong or too close together.
It is also advisable you look into how the baby is reacting to the process by having your doctor monitor his or her heartbeat.
You can use a breast pump to stimulate your nipples or you or your partner can do it manually.
4. Massage Can Induce Labour
Research confirms that a massage can help augment your body’s oxytocin levels, (the hormone that can bring on labour contractions).
Some massage therapists boast by their ability to help induce labour when a mom-to-be is overdue simply eager to pass the delivery phase.
Expert masseurs say they have the ability to focus on certain pressure points to naturally induce labour.
This one sounds pretty risk-free, right?
If you do decide to get a prenatal massage, please, ensure you get your doctor’s approval first. This will help ensure that you avoid stories that touch.
5. Meditation
Meditation and even just staying in your relaxing state, such as cuddling with your partner, may help get your oxytocin levels pumping.
This is backed up by the fact that the majority of labours start late at night when an expectant woman is relaxed and cozy in bed.
Even if your meditation efforts don’t directly trigger labour, you’ll be in a more relaxed frame of mind when the time hits.
Plus, this one has zero risks/ side effects to it.
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6. Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises are ideal and recommended for most fit women during pregnancy.
A recent study has it that it may shorten labour by about 20 minutes.
But there’s no evidence that aerobics can induce labour.
Yes, good for you, and many women have testimonies of them taking their exercise routines more seriously as their due dates drew nearer in hopes of speeding it up the more.
So, what does it matter if there’s concrete evidence to back this up?
As long as it’s safe for you and your baby, and your doctor approves, by all means, go for it.
7. Castor Oil Can Induce Labour

Research has it that the use of castor oil as a natural labour inducer has been in practice for several years; (as far back as ancient Egypt) as mentions in the papyrus scrolls indicate.
It is said that consuming approximately 1–2 ounces (29.57–59.14 mL) of castor oil may trigger prostaglandin release, which can help ripen the cervix and get labour started.
As always, ensure you run whatever technique you’re contemplating experimenting with your doctor or midwife.
Be careful not to consume too much as this one has significant side effects as serious as causing diarrhoea.
And given that diarrhoea and labour do not exactly compliment each other, my advice would be to simply steer clear.
8. Patience
If your baby’s due date is already nigh or a few days running over, the best next step you can take is to relax and wait for labour to start on its own.
The safest and healthiest labour is one that starts spontaneously. You’ll eventually go into labour soon no matter what you do or don’t do.
While some of the above options may be safe to try, most of them aren’t really guaranteed to speed up labour.
So, go on with your normal life routine.
Eat as you ought to, get plenty of rest, and enjoy those last few days of pregnancy as much as possible.
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