Because when there’s a will, there’s always a way, here are 7 ways to teach your kids about different parts of the world without travelling.
1. Sign Up For Virtual Tours
Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, and its numerous resources. With e-travelling (travelling without travelling), learning about different parts of the world with your kids is now a reality.
Gone are the days when anyone compulsorily plans for weeks unending and save up tons of thousands to afford flight tickets, accommodation, and the rest.
In recent times, we are surrounded by the quantity and quality of virtual travel resources. They allow us to visit the world (and beyond) from the comfort of our couches.
With these online resources, you and your kids can engage in activities such as exploring maps, learning basic greetings in different languages, music, dance moves, and making different food from various countries.
You can take virtual field trips and virtual days out to museums, national parks, and even outer space, all without leaving the comfort of your home.
For instance, many museums around the world are offering virtual tours of their collections.
Your kids can dive into world-class educational resources about science, art, and history right from your living room.
You could equally tune in to guided hall tours of the American Museum of Natural History in New York and take a close look at dinosaur fossils and the likes.
A simple google search will help in this regard.
2. Read Multicultural Books
Another fantastic way to teach your child about other parts of the world without travelling is by reading multicultural books, i.e., books set in other parts of the world. Encyclopedias are my favourite in this regard because it broadens your child’s knowledge and horizon. Check out to get encyclopedias and other educational books and toys for your kids.
Every country has its unique culture, customs, and traditions and you can to a reasonable extent learn about them by reading books set in those countries.
The good news is that you don’t have to travel to these places to even get the books. You can explore your local library or download/buy books online.
Pro tip: look out for available bilingual books which are written in dual languages.
3. Learn Foreign Languages
This jet age is one where your kids can easily become global citizens & learn about the different parts of the world all without travelling
With the numerous benefits of raising bilingual children, many parents around the world are choosing to raise their children in multiple languages.
And no, you don’t need to speak another language to teach it to your child, there are many other options/apps to help you out, all from the comfort of your living room.
Young children are naturals when it comes to learning languages and it doesn’t take them long to pick up a few words and start stringing sentences.
Learn about the countries of the world on a globe or in an Atlas and talk about which languages are spoken in each country.
You can even learn a few of the basic words together and make it a fun family experience.
There are also a number of apps offering opportunities to learn while you have fun.
Examples include Animal Quiz, Duolingo (for language learning). Really, the sky’s the limit when it comes to online opportunities.
4. Listen To Music From Around The World
Music is a fantastic learning tool for children to learn about the different cultures of the world.
You see, every song tells a story, and by listening to music from around the world, your child can get introduced to and explore parts of the world and learn songs in other languages.
In fact, most children are able to sing before they learn to speak sentences.
There is something about melodies that makes it easier for children to pick up words and put them together.
Music transcends language and is loved and cherished in every culture throughout the world.
Therefore, normalise listening to music from other parts of the world.
Listening to new and different music in a different language is not only a fun activity but also helps improve your child’s cognitive abilities.
Also, many studies show that listening to and learning music can improve your mood and boost your memory.
You and your kids can learn a lot about the experiences and traditions of different countries through their music.
5. Movies In Foreign Languages
Watching cartoons or movies recorded in foreign languages is another great way to familiarise yourself with a different country, its culture, and its language.
For example, Japanese animation or anime are globally popular, the Canadian show Caillou is a favourite among kids.
Not only do cartoons and movies help exercise the visual skills and imaginations of younger learners, but they also provide a gateway into a different world.
They are an amazing way to bolster your child’s global curiosity, as they familiarise your little ones with the customs, beliefs, and languages of those around the globe—expanding their world views.
You’ll find that some children just from watching Bollywood films have learned so much about the varying cultures, practices, languages, and faiths that exist within India, from watching their movies.
Indeed, fiction is a fantastic way to take kids on a journey to faraway places
6. Explore Food From Other Parts Of The World
What better way to get to know another culture than through its food?
Food is another great way to give your children authentic global experiences without travelling.
Research different recipes with your kids, get them involved in the process of shopping for ingredients and preparing the meal.
This will build their excitement and interest in trying out foods from all around the globe.
Also Read: How To Improve Your Child’s Grades At School
You can use kids’ cookbooks like the ‘Around The World Cookbook’ or follow the BBC show My World Kitchen where children from different countries show you how to make a traditional dish.
Alternatively, you can have a family meal at a restaurant owned by someone from another culture to give your children the opportunity to experience that world without ever getting on a plane.
7. Learn About Famous People from Different Countries
Another amazing way to teach your kids about different parts of the world without travelling is to teach them about the histories of the world.
The planet has a lot of famous and inspiring individuals.
Some of them lived hundreds and thousands of years ago, and others are with us in the present.
Some impacted the whole world; the rest made a huge difference in their part of the world.
Your kids can get to Read books with information about heroes and heroines in other countries.
Afterwards, ask them:
What makes these people unique, why did they become famous?
What did they contribute to the world we know today, how did they go about it?
These questions will boost your child’s appreciation of different cultures of the countries of the world.
So, include these types of books and explore stories about famous leaders, writers, artists, scientists, doctors, athletes, architects, terrorists, etc.
You not only expose them to other cultures, but you also provide them with brilliant role models to look up to and aspire to be like, as well as behaviours not to imitate.
Find more resources on parenting here.