Sibling Rivalry poses a challenge to many parents. Often defined as fighting, competition, and jealousy between siblings, it is a source of concern to most parents with two or more children. In most cases, sibling rivalry is as a result of the birth of a new baby or due to parents showing favoritism towards a particular child or even praising a particular child. This often leads to rancor and unhealthy competition amongst siblings. Also, the sudden arrival of a total stranger, a sibling, with him whom the firstborn has to share you with will sometimes make the firstborn want to pull a fight with the baby, even sometimes telling you to return the new baby.

It is now up to the parents to handle it when they can because, sibling rivalry gets into adulthood with these children.

According to American Academy of Pediatrics, here are six ways to handle conflict between your children:

  1. Allow the older child to help with taking care of their younger one. Letting them see being an older one as something to be proud of. They can help with assisting you when changing their younger one’s diaper, or even sometimes feeding their younger one.
  2. No comparison, especially in front of them. Children will misunderstand these comparisons as you choosing or loving the other sibling more than you love them, making them take your correction as criticism.
  3. Ignore their arguments. Sometimes, you might have to step in and help them settle a their little fights as toddlers, but as they grow older, you need to let them settle it themselves, without taking sides. Also let them know that they are responsible for the spat and they have to fix it themselves.
  4. Do not accept violence, do not overlook violence. Make sure your children are made aware that you will not stand for any violence between them. Praise your children when they solve their arguments peacefully.
  5. Don’t punish one child in front of the other. When it’s necessary to punish or scold your child, do it alone in a quiet, private place. Scolding him in front of another child can lead to his being teased.
  6. Set aside areas for each child. Give your children especially the older one her own space. Keep each child’s own personal things apart from shared ones.