Have you hear about colic before? The fact is: all babies cry. It’s like the only way for them to express themselves and communicate their needs at this tender age. And this is pretty normal. But in babies with colic, the crying starts suddenly for no…

Have you discovered your child’s learning style yet? ⠀ Every child has a learning style and also learns at his or her own pace. My first daughter is a visual learner, the second daughter is a reading & writing learner while my third daughter is…

Sibling rivalry is prevalent in many homes . Some take it to an unimaginable extent, but doing few things could turn things around. Kids fight over everything. From who controls the TV remote to who showers first, to hiding/breaking something that belongs to the other.…

Postpartum depression is one of the conditions that some mothers could snap into after childbirth. However, the event of becoming a mother should be nothing but a joyous one. Sadly, the excitement of having a new baby can be threatened by feelings of sadness, anxiety,…

Taking proper care of yourself during the post-natal recovery is vital. It is required to aid healing, prevent infection, and help you feel like yourself again in time. In fact, when you have what you need for you and your baby’s homecoming, it will help…

Looking for raw, unfiltered truths about motherhood and parenting a human? You must have discerned there is more to the cute and rosy stories on motherhood that those magazines and baby books tell. Being a mother, raising a child, is a lot! Which is why…

Pregnancy and coronavirus are some of the highest concerns that women have expressed of late. Indeed, most women that are pregnant now are anxious and somewhat confused. If you belong to this category, your worries are totally understandable. Basically, some of these concerns about pregnancy…