How To Know If Your Child Should Repeat A Class
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Your child is struggling to pass his or her tests or is just struggling in the present or previous classes. Unfortunately, his or her class teacher has recommended that your child should repeat a class.

If you are at that point where you are still unsure if your child should repeat the class or not, this article should help

1.      Ascertain Your Child’s Progress And Development Level

Certainly, one of the biggest factors to consider when deciding whether to have your child repeat a class is his/her academic performance and level of maturity.

In most cases, the school takes the decision by adding it as a comment on their report cards. However, as a mum, you may wish to evaluate your child’s abilities as well.

The way it works, if the child has significant struggles with mathematics, reading, or writing, chances are he or she will struggle even more in the subsequent year’s classes.

This means repeating that class to perfect the basics is the way to go.

Your child must also meet generalised performance expectations designed and implemented by the school administration.

These expectations usually include things like test scores and class participation. Therefore, consider how many school days your child has missed (attendance) and the general performance in a session or terms.

If they’ve missed a significant number of class sessions, his or her teacher may recommend repeating the year so your child isn’t behind in the following level.

2.    Have Your Child Tested For A Learning Disability

Depending on how much your child is struggling, you need to consider having him or her tested to know if a learning disability might be the problem. This includes hearing and sight checks.

While this may be embarrassing for your child, identifying and taking a step back to correct the problem can help prevent future struggles in school.

Some learning disabilities like dyslexia or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is a mental health disorder that can cause above-normal levels of hyperactive and impulsive behaviors may affect a child’s academic progress.

This might be a reason why his or her teacher may recommend repeating a year if this resulted in a lot of missed learning.

You can have your child tested for a learning disability by reaching out to a specialist.

You can also talk to your child’s teacher (if you suspect they are knowledgeable enough about such things)to ascertain if your child may need specialised or remedial education.

3.      Consider Your Child’s Age

The reality is that many children who have to repeat a class feel embarrassed to be older than their classmates.

However, if your child is young for his or her current grade, repeating a year may not be as much of a problem.

And when this is the case, a child who is younger than his or her peers and has initial struggles may actually end up performing better after being held back a year.

Consult your child’s teacher or principal about whether repeating a grade would be helpful or hurtful at your child’s age.

4.      Consider Your Child’s Social Development

Repeating a class can lead to social and emotional problems like poor self-esteem and an inability to feel like part of a cohesive group.

If your child already struggles with social issues like these, or if you believe he or she may be prone to these types of problems, repeating a class may be detrimental to your child’s sense of self. This may do more harm than good.

If a child acts immaturely/behaves too “young” for his or her age, teachers may recommend retaining the child for another year.

Are you’re unsure how to gauge your child’s social development? Consider talking to a school counselor, teacher, psychologist, or behavioral specialist.

5.      Consider Your Child’s Emotional Maturity

Another vital factor to consider is whether your child is as emotionally developed as his or her peers.

This is because emotional underdevelopment can be a major hindrance to academic progress.

So, talk to your child’s teacher about your child’s emotional preparedness for the upcoming class.

A child should be able to cope with mild frustrations and inconveniences without losing his or her temper or getting overly anxious or even depressed.

You should also see: Poor Grades: 5 Effective Ways To React To Your Child’s Report Card

If your child has a hard time balancing out his or her personal and emotional needs, you may want to talk to your child’s teacher about whether repeating a year would make a positive impact.

6.       Consider The Advantages Of Your Child Repeating A Class

Because each year’s syllabus is a continuation of the foundation established the previous year, it makes sense to want your child to spend another year working on his/her reading, writing, and math skills.

If he/she proceeds to the next class, he or she would struggle and probably fail at that level. This will cause them to be even farther behind and likely feel more frustrated or embarrassed by their performance.

7.      Consider The Disadvantages Of Retention.

Being asked to repeat a year can have a couple of negative effects on a young student.

Many students who are held back a year typically have lower levels of academic achievement. They also have increased susceptibility to behavioral problems, diminished socio-emotional adjustment, and increased risk of premature dropout than their peers.

If your child’s teacher recommends repeating a year, have a sit-down with them. There may be other alternatives to repeating a class that the school might be willing to implement.

If the teacher insists on repeating the class, make sure that your child will receive specialised remedial attention.

This will help him or her catch up with the concepts he or she struggles with.

It is also wise to address the risk of any behavioral problems that could potentially arise.

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