It’s normal to have arguments with your spouse from time to time. But what matters is how you handle the situation after the fight. Here are some unconventional ways to make up with your spouse after a war that can help you heal the rift and strengthen your bond.

Guess what!

1.  Write A Love Letter

Sometimes, it’s easier to write down what you feel than to say it out loud. Writing a love letter to your spouse can help you pour out your heart, apologise for your part, and remind them why you love them.

You can also give compliments, thanks, and jokes to make them smile.

Put the letter somewhere they can see it, like their pillow, car, or lunch bag.

2..  Make A Playlist

Music can be a great way to convey your emotions and set the mood for making up.

Make a playlist of songs that show how you feel about your spouse, how you want to make up, and how you hope to move on.

You can also add memorable songs for your relationship, like your wedding, first dance, or a favourite song to sing together.

Play the playlist with your spouse, and let the music speak for you. Yass!

3.  Cook Their Favourite Meal

Nothing says “I’m sorry” like a yummy home-cooked meal.

Cooking their favourite meal can show your spouse that you care about their likes, want to make them happy, and are ready to work to make them happy.

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Add candles, flowers, or wine to make it more romantic.

Eat the meal together and use the chance to talk things over and apologise genuinely. Have you tried this before? It indeed works like magic 😍

4. Do Something Adventurous

Sometimes, the best way to make up is to spice things up.

Doing something adventurous with your spouse can help you get out of your rut, release pressure, and have fun together. You can try something new or something you both enjoy, like hiking, biking,

Shopping, outdoor games, or driving around the town, lol.

The adrenaline rush can also increase your attraction and intimacy levels and make you feel closer to each other.

5.  Give Them A Massage

This is another great way to make up with your spouse after a fight.

A massage can be an excellent way to relax your spouse and show them some physical love.

A massage can also help you release some of the stress and tightness that may have built up during the fight and make you both more open to communication and agreement.

You can use oil, lotion, or candles to make it more soothing and erotic. Focus on their needs and wants and let them know that you want them to feel good.

6.  Surprise Them With A Gift

A gift can be an excellent way to show your spouse that you are thinking of them and value them. It doesn’t have to be costly or fancy; it must be meaningful and personal.

You can pick something related to their hobbies, interests, or passions, like a book, a gadget, or a ticket to an event.

You can also choose something representing your relationships, like a photo album, a personalised mug, or jewellery.

Attach a note with an apology and an expression of love.

Fighting with your spouse is not the end of the world.

It’s how you deal with it that counts.

By trying these unconventional ways to make up with your spouse after a fight, you can show them that you love them, are sorry, and want to improve things.

You can also have some fun, romance, and adventure.

Remember, every fight is an opportunity to grow and learn as a couple.

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