How to boost your child's IQ

By Titilalayo Solarin

We could simply say, “How do we help our children reach their full intellectual potential?”


In the first five years of a child’s life, the brain develops at the most rapid pace ever. Studies have shown that its intellectual capacity continues to grow until brain maturity at about the age of 16.

Some people feel intelligence is fixed while others believe it is nurtured. Nevertheless, we work so hard to ensure our kids attend the best schools. We also provide everything needed books, toys including extra tutoring classes to ensure they do excellently well.


Let’s discuss other great ways to boost the IQ of a growing child.


▪ Let the children play – Play is the work of a child. Free play helps the brain make all the right connections and this aids active learning.


▪Adequate Sleep – Sleep improves mental health. Children need at least eight hours of sleep daily for their bodies and minds to rest and develop. (You wonder why infants grow so fast)


▪Good Nutrition: Breastfeeding for the first year helps to provide nutrients that aids proper brain development. A complete and healthy diet for growing children is so important.


▪Avoid too much screen time: Children need human Interaction and active learning opportunities to increase their brain’s capacity to learn.


▪ Read- reading to and with your child improves their vocabulary, reading and writing skills.


▪Music- Researchers say music instruction helps to speed up the development of a child’s brain. Allow your child learn a musical instrument.

Adequate Sleep – Sleep improves mental health. Children need at least eight hours of sleep daily for their bodies and minds to rest and develop. (You wonder why infants grow so fast)


▪Learn a new language- Many brain studies show that young children who are exposed to more than one language have greater capacity to learn. Let’s start with our local dialect.


▪Exercise and Sports:  It helps to increase the blood flow to the brain. It helps children learn faster.


▪Happy Home- A happy child comes from a happy home. They can sense love, joy, fear, unhappiness etc. These feelings affect their mental wellbeing. So let’s raise children in happy homes.


▪Praises and encouragement: Praise your child’s effort at all times. Be their greatest fan, encourage them to be the best.


▪Educational and Didactic materials/Toys:  young children are explorers, always learning something new. Provide only toys that make them think and involves the use of all five senses.


So, mums have you tried any of these tips before? we would love to hear from you.

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Titi Solarin, is an early years enthusiast and a Montessori directress whose discipline is teaching children between ages of zero to six. She can be reached on @amazingearlyyears on Instagram.