The lovely Modupe Eyinla is the brain behind iMumZone-one of Nigeria’s biggest Motherhood platforms on Instagram. Very reserved and unassuming, fabmumng got this doting mum-of-two to share her beautiful motherhood journey with us. We hope her story inspires you. Happy reading
Please tell us about yourself?
I am a mum of 2 boys. I am a beauty entrepreneur, mum blogger and a content creator.
Why did you leave paid employment late last year?
I left when the business technically closed shop. Though, I didn’t find fulfillment. I was reluctant to leave as I had lost the passion for the job. Everything happened at the right time, and I had to take the bold step and here we are.
Please tell us about your foray into mummy blogging?
I founded iMumZone two years ago. The generation of young mums is getting larger by the day and I realised that we need a platform where we can be ourselves and also hear other mums talk about their experience. It was actually my husband that came up with the name iMumZone.
You currently run one of Nigeria’s biggest motherhood platforms on Instagram. Do you derive fulfillment as a mummy blogger?
The over 43000 Instagram followers on iMumZone is all sweat and blood. The more you put in, the more you get.When you truly are passionate about something, the fulfillment comes automatically. When mums reach out to talk about personal issues, and to seek advice, it shows that my platform in a way is providing solutions.
…And your love for make-up artistry?
My love for make-up has always been there;I have always enjoyed the make up art.
Quite a number of Nigerian mummy blogs are springing up by the day. What are your thoughts on this?
It’s a good development. This gives mums different avenues to share their thoughts and also read other mums thoughts. I’m always excited to see or read from a new mum blog.
Have you always been anonymous on your platform and why?
Yes I have always been anonymous because I’m a very shy person ….lol …. I love the mystery; I feel it’s not about me. The value we provide should be beyond who is behind the page.
You said you were still posting on Instagram 10minutes before you had an emergency C-section. Tell us more about the experience?
I went to the hospital for my routine appointment,only to be told that my baby was in distress and they had to bring him out at that moment( I was 36weeks gone).I told the doctors no problem but asked them to give me a few minutes … I needed to upload a post on iMumZone’s Instagram page.
I went to the hospital for my routine appointment,only to be told that my baby was in distress and they had to bring him out at that moment( I was 36weeks gone).I told the doctors no problem but asked them to give me a few minutes … I needed to upload a post on iMumZone’s Instagram page.
How will you describe your parenting style?
I will say I’m in between being an authoritarian and a permissive mum. My son can be a good boy and also a whiner so he needs a bit of strictness.
How are you able to strike a healthy work-life balance?
I have my mummy time, wifey time and work time. I try as much as possible not to let them clash. However, when I need to attend to my kids every other thing takes the back seat.
What’s a typical day like for you?
A typical day for me includes scouting for contents, writing stories, researching on new make-up trends and also helping my son with his homework.
Please describe your motherhood experience?
Motherhood for me has been filled with different tastes Sour, sweet, salty e.t.c …. It has been interesting.
Do you love fashion?
I won’t call myself a very fashionable person but I love to make others look fashionable.
How supportive is your hubby of your business?
He is 200 per cent in support. As a matter of fact the whole mummy business is his idea. He is a great guy!
Describe a fabulous mum in your own words?
A fabulous mum is that mum who despite been 99% emotionally drained still stands tall on top of her game with the remaining 1% . A fabulous mum is a mum who is 100% at the top of her game as a wife, as a mum and also as a business/career woman.
N.B We hope this interview inspired you in more ways than one.If you will love to share your motherhood story with us, please send us an email at fabmumng@gmail.com, or drop a comment, connect with us on Instagram @fabmumng and Facebook @fabmumng. We will be glad to share your story with our community of Fabulous Nigerian Mums.