In this interview, Mavin Record’s First Lady, Tiwa Savage, opens up to Fabmum on career, motherhood and fashion
How do you juggle motherhood and career?
I am actually doing everything in my power to protect my son and also secure his future. I don’t really have a specific answer to what I do career-wise but all I do has to be in line with protecting my son. First of all, I don’t think there’s a blueprint on how to be a mother. There are different books on motherhood so I don’t think there’s a manual because every child is different.
How do you find that balance?
Some people are experts in childcare but my child is only 15months. So, I am still finding a way to balance work and spend enough time with my son. I just think I take it each day at a time and put God first in everything I do.
When you have to be away on tours and shows, how do you keep an eye on your son?
I travel with my son anywhere I go because he has not started school yet. I have my mother around and that is the best thing ever. So, when I have to be out at night my mum looks after my son and when I am at home in Lagos my nanny looks after my son.
How do you describe motherhood?
It’s a beautiful experience. Initially, it was very scary and daunting and I used to panic about everything. Now I just enjoy it the experience; being a musician and celebrity is great but being a mother is the best thing to have ever happened to me.
How do you strike a balance as a career mum, an artiste and a celebrity?
Well, I have good people around me and my label mates at Mavin Records are very accommodating. You know sometimes I can’t stay overnight at the studio. So they help me work around my schedule and I also have a good support from my family. In general I don’t allow people disrespect my privacy when it comes to my son and its great that way.
You’ve been quite experimental with your fashion, what has influenced that lately?
I think am just getting into my own person and motherhood does that to you. When you have kids you’re more comfortable with yourself and I have always been a tomboy. But then I got to a point where I just want to sporty, sexy, girly so always align myself to be what I want to be at that moment in time. So it’s not just one way.