2019 Mercury Prize winner, Dave real names David Orobosa Omoregie and mum Photo by BBC
2019 Mercury Prize winner, Dave real names David Orobosa Omoregie and mum Photo by BBC

Over the weekend, Nigerian-born British rapper, Dave, real name David Orobosa Omoregie, warmed many hearts when he invited his mum onstage to join him in receiving the 2019 Hyundai Mercury Prize which he won.

The fast-rising rapper’s debut album titled Psychodrama earned him the coveted prize which comes with a trophy and a £25,000 prize money.

The 21-year-old rapper hugged his mum before mounting the stage to receive the award at the colourful ceremony. He told the audience that he was lost for words and invited his mum to join him onstage.

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“I want to firstly thank God. I want to invite my mum up onto the stage,” Dave said in his acceptance speech.

“I want to thank everyone that made this happen, I want to thank all of the exceptional musicians who performed tonight…I respect you all so highly. I thank my mum, my family, my friends.”

Check out the video below: