Here’s everything else you need to do:
1. Set A Regular Time To Study Each Day
This will make your job not just easier, but duper effective too.
If possible, do not even wait for the exam timetable to be published; encourage them to form good study habits early on. Humans are creatures of habit, and children are no exception.
Set a regular time to study with your child each day.
Even if you only work for 20 minutes at a time, this will add to their success in school, as well as establish a positive pattern so that when exam time rolls around, there is no panicking whatsoever.
2. Start The Exam Study As Early As Possible
If you already have a study routine with your child (which you should), you ought to, at least 14 days before the exam, start taking your regular study time more seriously.
Organise a reading timetable for the period running up to exams, and mark when your child will study on each day.
3. Consider Hiring A Tutor
You’re a mum, which means it is practically near impossible that you’ll be able to meet up with your child’s study time at all times.
When this is the case, especially in the situation where exams are fast approaching, the safest option might just be to hire a tutor, to help your child prepare for the exam.
The last thing you want to happen is your child getting lower grades just because you didn’t have the time to help them prepare for an exam.
You may also love to read: How To Build Your Child’s Vocabulary
However, there is no rule as to who this tutor can be.
Your options range from hiring a pro to ask a close friend or relative, older sibling, your partner if they can make the time, to help out.
4. Encourage Independent Study
Studying with your child is a fantastic way for you to understand what they are learning, how to spend quality time with them, and generally help ensure their success in school.
Nevertheless, it is also important for you to encourage some independent study time.
Encouraging your child to spend some time studying on their own –in addition to your study time together, not instead – will enable them to determine what study methods work best for them, as well as form a positive attitude towards studying for when you can’t afford to make such time for them.
5. Have A Quiet Corner Dedicated To Studying
Have this set up immediately if you do not already have one, because your child will definitely need a quiet place where he/she can study undisturbed for their exams.
In this space, there should be no distractions, e.g., a TV turned on in this room.
You should make it clear to the rest family members, such as other siblings, that the child is not to be disturbed while they are studying.
This will help your child’s concentration as they prepare for their papers.
If you cannot dedicate a room to this course, fret not, as excellent places to study include the child’s bedroom or the kitchen.
While the child is studying, minimise the noise in your home. Keep the television volume low, and conversations, the same way.
If this cannot be achieved due to the setting of your home, consider other quiet places like the public library for your child to study.
6. Use Study Aids
In preparing for an exam, it is important for your child to memorize information and recall it on demand.
To improve their memory, you can employ certain studying practices and aids to help them learn more efficiently, instead of cramming the information from a book.
For math, you can create a sheet of formulas that they need to know.
Have you read: How To Know Your Child’s Learning Style
Have them memorize the formulas, and encourage them to write these formulas down in the margins of the test as soon as they receive them.
For English/Literature, you can teach your child to go through reading passages and circle important details, such as the main character, purpose, and tone.
Flashcards work well for learning grammar, science facts, and historical dates.
7. Practice Answering Questions Can Help A Child Prepare For An Exam
Days/hours to the exam, ask your child questions that they might encounter in the exam.
This you’ll be able to gather based on their notes, flashcards, or textbooks.
You can say have them answer out loud or make it a written practice test.
Take note of the specific problems your child is having the most difficulty with, and focus on those in your next study session if you still have time, else, address them to the best of your knowledge.
8. Have Them Go To Bed Early The Night Before
Your child needs lots of sleep before they take their exam. So, ensure they get to bed on time the night before.
You’re aiming for them to have at least eight hours of sleep so that they are alert when taking their exam.
Double-check Their Supplies
Before they leave for school, take a good look through their backpack.
You want to make sure their pencils, erasers, rulers, calculator, comfortable sweater, and whatever else they need for the exams are intact before you kiss them “good luck!”
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