Even though the beautiful Matse Uwatse-Nnoli took time off radio to raise a family and pursue other interests, her broadcasting prowess cannot be forgotten in a hurry. Fabmumng.com had a lovely chat with this beautiful mother-of-one on marriage, motherhood, parenting, career and much more
How have you been able to juggle motherhood and business?
Honestly, it has been tasking and not easy at all. Anyone who says motherhood is easy isn’t telling the truth. It is a very tough job; it involves a lot of time and self-management. I am not the perfect mother but I am a realistic mum.

Is this one of the reasons why you’ve not taken up full-time employment?
Yes it is one of the reasons why I have not taken up a 9-5 but I will soon take up a new job and run my business at the same time. I believe in having multiple streams of income especially in an economy such as ours. It doesn’t make any sense to have just one job except you want to remain poor or live within your means. But, if you intend to be more prosperous you have to do many things.
It doesn’t make any sense to have just one job except you want to remain poor, or live within your means. But, if you intend to be more prosperous you have to do many things.
What has motherhood taught you?
It has taught me to be patient with my child because children can be very exasperating. They can bring out the worse in you; it takes a lot of patience to be a mother. Motherhood has taught me how to laugh over a lot of things that might ordinarily get me upset. When you become a mum you tend to overlook certain things and laugh over them because that’s the best way you can overcome stress.

How was your pregnancy experience?
It was one of my most horrible experiences; I was sick from day one up until the day I had my baby. Then, I was one of those women who spat a lot and I could not eat. I was basically on fruits on water all through my pregnancy. I ate little solid meals as my body could not retain food. I was so selective and I could not enjoy anything. I also craved for pepper soup and fish all the time. I could not drink juice or fizzy drinks. It wasn’t easy for me.
I was sick from day one up until the day I had my baby. Then, I was one of those women who spat a lot and I could not eat. I was basically on fruits on water all through my pregnancy
…and your labour experience?
Thank God I had a normal delivery. I was in labour for 22 hours before I had my baby. But, when my baby came forth everything was back to normal. I forgot all about the labour pains.
How supportive was your husband while you were pregnant?
He did the running around and he was always by my side as I was on bed rest. He was in the labour room with me urging me to ‘push’ until I was delivered of our daughter. He saw the baby before I did.
Could you tell you were going to have a girl?
Yeah, I knew I was going to have a girl; I had ultrasound scan almost every month. Thanks to 4D scan, I could see my daughter’s face before she was born. I wanted a boy while my husband wished for a girl and he got his heart desire.
What is the major struggle for most working mums in Nigeria?
They include how to manage the children, work and the home front all at the same time. It’s not easy. I commend every working mum out there. In a place like Lagos, it’s very crazy having to leave home very early in the morning and meander through the traffic and bottlenecks. I live in Abuja where I encounter little or no traffic.
How did you adjust to life in Abuja having lived in Lagos for a long time?
When I arrived Abuja at first, it felt a bit boring. Unlike Abuja, Lagos is fast-paced. After living in Abuja for over eight months, I don’t think I can live in Lagos any longer.

Your daughter, Chimmy, started school recently…
My daughter is one of those exceptional kids. She is a very smart kid. While she was at her former school, we spotted certain abilities which she possesed. She loves to help people and she is also very creative. Before we settled for her current school, we surfed the Internet for the best schools in Abuja and then arrived at her current school. We went from classroom to classroom, we checked out the library, the toilet and every facility in the school. We also sought the opinion of other parents. We got spectacular responses from other parents and then, we decided to enroll her in the school.
Most parents are of the opinion that the more expensive a school is, the better…
Well, I wouldn’t say the more expensive a school the better . But, I’ll say money plays a great role because if you desire quality education, you must be prepared to spend money. I’m not saying you should enroll your ward in N5m a term school but I think as parents, we must learn to set the right priorities.
Tell us about your business?
Right now I sell exotic fish and I am also going into spice production. I am also into other children-related businesses; I have so many things on my plate.
So, which are you most passionate about cooking or broadcasting?
Well, I’ll say I love both of them equally. There is something about the media that I can never forsake. I can take a break from the media but I don’t think I’ll ever leave broadcasting. It is a part of my life and something I really love. I enjoy cooking as it comes naturally. It was cooking at first, before I fell in love with the media. So, I can’t place one above the other.
You got married at the peak of your career
Yes I did. At the time, I was already thinking about the next step. I wanted to get married, I wanted to start a family so I got married at the right time.

Can you tell us about some of the qualities that endear you to your husband?
He is very intelligent; I love very intelligent men. He also has a feminine side as well. I can be really tough at times but he makes me calm. He has a high emotional intelligence and that kind of balances some of the qualities I possess. I am very empathetic but he is simply a very nice person. He is also very God-fearing and he is one of those men whom you can call a loyal man. I know that no man is completely honest but at least I can tell you that my husband is a responsible man. His family members especially his brothers are very loyal as well.
He is also very God-fearing and he is one of those men whom you can call a loyal man. I know that no man is completely honest but at least I can tell you that my husband is a responsible man
Is your husband a hands-on dad?
My husband takes our daughter to school and brings her back home. He can also walk into the kitchen and prepare something for her to eat; it isn’t a big deal to him. He derives a lot of joy of being a parent. In my home, there’s nothing like a woman’s job; we have shared responsibilities.

Describe your marriage in one word
I think my marriage is evolving. We get to know each other better by the day and it keeps getting better.
What virtues are you passing on to your daughter as a mum?
I love that my daughter is very polite; she knows when and how to say thank you. Even when you do very little things for her, she is very appreciative. She’s a good kid; she observes like her dad and she also has a high emotional intelligence. Like every other young child, she can scatter her toys all over the place, but when you correct her, she understands. The next time you correct her, she’ll say, ‘Am sorry’. She knows how to say Good Morning when she sees an adult in the morning. She’s an introvert and I know that when she grows older she is going to learn a lot more. Growing up, I was told that I was very polite and I still am polite. My daughter takes after me in this regard.