Age appropriate chores for kids

Age-appropriate chores for kids must be introduced as your little baby gradually becomes a toddler. It is true that every member of the family, once they’ve attained the age of walking, boy or girl, ought to start contributing their quota to running the home. Chores are not optional; at least, they should not be. When kids contribute to family life, it helps them feel competent and responsible. A way to do this is to keep in mind your child’s age, ability, and maturity when assigning house chores. This is why it is essential for you to learn how to assign age-appropriate chores to your kids. What’s more, if you introduce your child to age-appropriate chores early on, you can even go on a mom vacation with confidence

Not sure what kind of chores to assign your little or big kids? Below, you will find a  list of age-appropriate chores for kids.

Age-appropriate chores for 2 and 3 (Toddlers)

At this stage, toddlers will love to help out with chores. Though their help may not always be as helpful as you would hope, keeping their excitement and the habit of helping out with chores alive is will be worth it in the long run.

With your assistance or supervision, age-appropriate chores for kids will be completed each step of the way.

Here are lists of chores that are appropriate for kids of this age range, they can;

  • Choose an outfit
  • Pick up toys and books with your supervision
  • Return the plate (plastic) to the kitchen after a meal.
  • Dust with socks on their hands
  • Help put books/stationery in their bags
  • Assist in making their beds
  • Put their dirty laundry to the laundry basket
  • Setting placemats on the dinner table.
  • Wipe cabinets

It is important they are being supervised while this is going on –You want to make sure they are learning the correct way to clean/not making it worse for you. Besides that, you also want to make sure they are not doing anything that could harm them or harm the house.

Read also how to involve your partner in chores and parenting

Age-appropriate chores for 4 and 5 (pre-schoolers)

The great thing about kids of this age bracket is that they are still fairly motivated to help. If you take the time to teach them new chores they usually love it. A lot of kids at this age are ready to do chores just don’t forget the constant supervision.

They can:

  • Any toddler chores listed above
  • Clear and set the table
  • Water flowers
  • Wash dishes with supervision
  • Fix a bowl of cereal
  • Join you in cooking and preparing food.
  • Get dressed with minimal help
  • Make their bed with minimal parental help
  • Bring their things from the car to the house
  • Dust furniture
  • Wash bathroom sinks
  • Help carry the lighter groceries
  • Sort out coloured clothes for the laundry
  • Match socks after clothings are washed
  • Answer the phone with parental assistance
  • Fold dish towels
  • Hand you wet clothes to be hung out to dry.

Age-appropriate chores for 6 and 7

At this age, children’s enthusiasm to do chores at this age may begin to wane.

In any case, you can motivate them to keep doing their chores daily by teaching them to be independent in their chores – using a chore chart to keep track of their responsibilities.  Seeing their completed tasks will excite them to do more. And yes, don’t forget those tiny rewards and appraisals every now and then.

They can do:

All the chores earlier mentioned

  • Help make and pack lunch
  • Assist in taking care of the garden
  • Fold and put away laundry with supervision
  • Brush teeth
  • Comb hair
  • Choose the day’s outfit and get dressed
  • Do dishes with little or no supervision
  • Help prepare food with minimal supervision

Age-appropriate chores for 8 to 11

At this age, kids work well with a set schedule and expectations. They may get upset if you throw a lot of unexpected chores at them, so creating a scheduling system for them will help realize a smooth transition. Also, do not forget to include rewards and penalties for chores.

Here are lists of chores you can assign to them;

  • They can do all the chores above
  • Put away groceries
  • Help make dinner
  • Make own snacks
  • Sew buttons
  • Make own breakfast
  • Make simple foods like sandwich
  • Mop floor
  • Wash dishes.
  • Wipe bathroom sinks, counters, toilets with supervision
  • Fold/hang laundry
  • Clean microwave
  • Take care of personal hygiene
  • Keep bedroom clean
  • Be responsible for homework
  • Be responsible for belongings
  • Wake up using an alarm clock
  • Wash the family car with supervision
  • Take the indoor trash can out

Age-appropriate chores for 12 and 13

At this age, they can do chores without supervision.

Here are chores they can do;

  • Take care of personal hygiene
  • Belongings and homework
  • Set their alarm clock
  • Maintain personal items, such as recharging batteries
  • Change bed sheets
  • Keep their rooms tidy and do a biannual deep cleaning
  • Change light bulbs
  • Clean mirrors
  • Mow the lawn with supervision
  • Babysit with supervision
  • Prepare an occasional family meal
  • Supervise younger children’s chores
  • You definitely have a worker there for yourself.

Age-appropriate chores for Ages 14 and 15

At this age, they are capable of handling nearly any chore in the home as long as they’ve been properly taught to do so. However, they may find themselves struggling to maintain a workload of too many chores.

Here is a list of chores suitable for this set:

  • Do laundry
  • Clean bathroom
  • Wash car
  • Iron clothes
  • Baby-sit younger siblings
  • Clean kitchen
  • Change their bed sheets
  • Replace light bulbs and vacuum cleaner bags.
  • Wash windows.
  • Clean the refrigerator and other kitchen appliances.
  • Prepare meals.
  • Prepare grocery lists.
  • Do assigned housework without prompting
  • Do yard work as needed
  • Do some shopping

Note that children mature individually at their own pace; not all kids will be competent in advanced chores at the same age. Moreover, some kids may be ready for more difficult chores at a younger age. It all varies.

So, as a parent, you are in the best position to discern your child’s peculiarities and abilities and advance through more challenging chores as they master the basic ones.

Come back later for tricks and tips on how to attain your most fabulous and stress-free Mum life. That’s the thank you, we understand.

Check out this exciting entrepreneurship platform for your kids