However, they are bound to get bored if the reward you offer is predictable.
Looking for unconventional ways to reward your child? You’ll like this one:
1. Offer Affection As A Reward
Using affection as a reward can be an effective way to let your child know you approve of their behaviour.
You may give your child a high five, thumbs up, a pat on the back, arm or shoulder, a big smile, a hug, or a peck.
The advantage of using affection as a reward is that it is free and immediate.
This means you can use it as a reward as soon as your child does something good, plus it’s a technique that works all the time—take it from me.
In addition, making a habit of displaying affection toward your child can also help them get used to displaying affection in public.
It will help them get comfortable with being social and affectionate with others.
2. Reward Your Child With A Special Activity Or Outing
Does your child enjoy going to a park near your home or can he or she not get enough of the games zone at the mall?
If yes, the next time the opportunity arises; you can choose to reward your child with a special outing. Take the child to his/her favourite place or give your child an opportunity to do an activity they fancy.
This could be going to the movies to see the latest blockbuster. It could be taking them to a children’s park, or a restaurant for a nice time out.
Allowing your child to spend time with their friends as a reward, also counts.
Unorthodox as this sounds, you can bet your child will respond well to getting free time as a reward, where they can hang out with their friends— especially the teens and preteens.
You can set a time limit for this reward, such as giving your child one extra hour of play time at a friend’s house .
This way, you’re in control of the reward, and your child is still able to benefit from it.
3. Reward Your Child With Items Related To Activities They’re Passionate About
Albeit unconventional, another great reward idea is to go for gift items that are unique to your child’s interests.
Think about tangible items that complement your child’s favourite activity or hobby.
This will ensure your child gets the best out of the reward and does not just see it as just another toy or material item.
For example, if your child is into drawing cartoon characters, you can then get your child a canvas or a digital drawing pad to make them happy.
4. An Allowance For Good Behaviour
An allowance is a good reward option for children of five years and above.
This is because at this age, children are beginning to be more aware of wants and needs and the importance of money.
Giving your child an allowance is a good way to teach them the value of money and how to be responsible with money.
You can start the allowance by giving your child a small amount of money such as N100 or more, depending on their age.
The idea is to give your child enough allowance to purchase one or two things they want but not too much.
You want your child to decide what to spend their money on and do so wisely.
You could start by giving your child hard currency. This will help them know physical money and learn how to count it.
Then, as they get older, maybe approaching their teens you transfer money virtually, into their savings (bank) account or money app.
5. Praise The Behaviour, Not The Child
Don’t ever think/say your child is “bad” or “good”, but that their behaviour is “bad” or “good”.
This will ensure your child does not associate your praise with themselves overall, but only to their behaviour.
Another article on: 9 Ways To Help Your Gifted Child Live A Balanced Life will also be helpful
Talk specifics and tell your child exactly why and how his/her behaviour was good.
For example, your child may have made your spouse a birthday card.
Instead of saying “What a great card you have made Dad!”, you should be specific and tell your child what elements you liked in the card.
Is it their penmanship, choice of colour, or the thoughtful message inside the card?
Keep In Mind:
In the end, what you truly want to achieve is to have in your back pocket, different forms of reward for your child.
It’s important to try to use a variety of rewards for your child’s behavior. The truth is that kids get bored easily; the more unconventional, the better.
When you use the same rewards every time, the reward can lose its power over time.
Plus, kids may respond differently to different rewards.
So, try to fit the reward to the child’s mood and personality type.
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