As you teach your kids some basic life skills, remember to inculcate toilet hygiene practices before they transition into a wider circle.

Here are seven basic toilet hygiene to teach them:

Teach Them Handwashing

Emphasise the importance of washing hands with soap and water after using the toilet.

Teach them to wash their hands thoroughly, including the backs of their hands, between their fingers, and under their nails, for at least 20 seconds.

Ensure they learn the proper wiping technique

Teach children the proper way to wipe themselves after using the toilet to ensure cleanliness and prevent the spread of germs.

For girls, teach them to wipe from front to back to prevent the spread of bacteria from the anus to the urinary tract.


Encourage children to continuously flush the toilet after use to remove waste and keep the toilet clean. Teach them how to operate the flush mechanism properly.

Using toilet paper

Teach children how much toilet paper to use and how to properly dispose of it in the toilet after wiping. Encourage them not to flush excessive toilet paper, which can clog the toilet.

Cleaning up spills

Instruct children to promptly clean up any spills or messes they may make in the bathroom. Provide them with the necessary cleaning supplies and teach them how to use them safely.

Avoiding touching surfaces

Teach children to avoid touching surfaces in the bathroom whenever possible, especially if they appear dirty or contaminated.

Have You Read: How To Teach Your Daughter Basic Body Hygiene

Encourage them to use toilet seat covers or toilet paper to cover the seat before sitting down.

Regular cleaning

Teach children to help with regular bathroom cleaning and maintenance, such as wiping down surfaces, cleaning the toilet bowl, and replacing toilet paper rolls.

Instilling a sense of responsibility for keeping the bathroom clean will help them develop good habits for the future.

Teaching children about toilet hygiene before they start school is crucial as these practices reduce the risk of children getting sick from germs and bacteria in the bathroom environment.

It empowers them to care for their hygiene needs, fostering independence and self-confidence as they enter the school environment.

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